EMDR Therapy
"Sometimes you don't know the weight of what you've been carrying until you feel the weight of it's release"
Traumatic and upsetting experiences can be so overwhelming that our brain and body struggles to process and store these memories away properly.
This can be a single event, like a car accident or loss of a loved one. Or it could be a number of events, like experiences of bullying, abuse or neglect. Not having the things we need growing up can also be incredibly traumatic - feeling without a sense of connection, nurture and safety can impact on us very deeply.
We know 'logically' that the events are over, but it can still feel that we are there, leaving us feeling stuck in the past, unable to feel present and scared and hopeless about the future. We can find ourselves repeating patterns that we know aren't helpful but just can't seem to stop or change. Often we aren't fully aware of the ways that we carry the past with us.
Sometimes we have never spoken about these experiences to others, and other times we have spoken about them a lot (often in therapy) and feel it's not made a difference.
Our brains can need some help to process.
This is where EMDR comes in.
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing
EMDR helps our brains re-process traumatic experiences - allowing these events to be stored 'properly' as memories. It also helps desensitise the emotional impact of the memory, so that we can look back at a memory without such high levels of distress.
EMDR uses tools to help you stay grounded in the present moment whilst looking back to memories of the past, we call this having 'one foot in the past and one foot in the present'. This is important as it helps to make sure that we are processing and making sense of past events, not just 're-living' them.
One of these tools is Bilateral Stimulation (BLS) - this uses eye movements, alternating sounds or tapping in a rhythmic left, right pattern.
This process does not remove memories - it shifts us from "I still feel like this is happening now" to
"this was something that happened to me in the past".
Therapy goes at your pace - you are in control.
EMDR has been found helpful for PTSD, depression, anxiety, OCD - we can often understand these current symptoms as responses to trauma. These are often ways we have learnt to cope and survive, but are no longer serving us. Processing memories connected to these symptoms can help us find new ways to manage.
Online EMDR therapy has been found to be as effective as face to face therapy, gives you a wider choice in therapists and greater flexibility in how therapy fits in with your life and schedule. It also means that therapy can happen where you are the most comfortable, in a space that you know and feels safe.
I really encourage people to bring their own pets into online therapy and very much enjoy meeting the variety of animals clients have at home - we can then use your own pets as part of the therapy (who then stay with you all week!) Jara sometimes likes to join via the screen.
We will always work together to help you feel grounded and ready to face life again after sessions in the same way as we would in person.
Grab a cup of tea, get comfortable and let's find a way forward together.
Online EMDR
Animal Assisted EMDR
Animals have so much to teach us about safety, connection, and calming. Animal Assisted EMDR is still EMDR: We combine the evidence based therapy with the therapeutic power of animals - a perfect combination.
Canine Assisted EMDR is supported by a therapy dog to help you feel safe, grounded and connected to go back into the past. This can be offered as weekly sessions or as intensive therapy - we can think together about what works best for you.
Horses are an incredible example of being able to react quickly when needed, but also being able to settle again almost as fast. They can help us build a sense of calm, self-belief and safety. Equine Assisted EMDR is offered as an intensive therapy option - this can either be in combination with online or canine asssisted therapy or as standalone intensive therapy.​